Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sew, Mama, Sew! Giveaway

And here’s the giveaway – a wristlet made of batiks and linen.


(For the record, the wristlet was made from an Oh, Fransson! pattern and the pieced squares section was made using the 13-Square foundation from Miniatures in Minutes.  The Quilt Layout Diagram for the pieced section and a few notes on adapting the foundation for use with the wristlet pattern  will be posted on the Projects page of my website on June 1.)

So, what’s this all about?  Color.

To be entered in a drawing for the giveaway, name a color that you love and explain why.  Notice I don’t ask you to name your favorite color.  I hate when people ask me to name a favorite.  An atavistic fear left over from childhood worries that if I offer one as a favorite, all the others will be taken away.  So, no fears here and no competition.  Just one of the colors you love and why.

I love green.  I love the sudden explosion of green in Spring, soothing both eye and spirit after the bleached straw and bare brown of winter.  When the sun comes out, the light shines on and through the still forming leaves and everything positively shimmers with new life.  Every time I walk into my living room and look out the window to the honey locust coming into leaf and the lilacs in bloom, I feel a small rush of happiness and well being. 

I remember when I was a little girl there was a bush in our back yard with long branches that arched to the ground.  I would crawl underneath and huddle there, arms clasped around my ankles and knees to chin. Perfect sanctuary.  Nostalgia for the peace of that small green world and it’s purified light remains. 

How about you?


  1. My favorite color is Prussian Blue-- dark, serious, mysterious. Nothing like me-- I always lose at old maid and poker because I can't hide my emotions.

  2. I love the color blue of the lake in the spring on the day the ice goes out - it has a rather grey/black tinge to it. The memory of it is what helps me make it though the long, cold winter.

  3. Pink, pink, pink. I love pink because, uh, because, well I just love pink :-)


  4. Ooh, color! I love green; it's fresh and springy and makes me think of summer. :)

  5. I love me a good funky bluish green. I dont think it is an actual manufactured color but it has been a common color in my paintings lately.

  6. Purple- I love purple because it can be regal, relaxing and frivolous, all at the same time. The other reason I love purple is that lilacs are my favorite flower and they are purple too!

  7. I love orange because it's bold. It's not my favorite color, and I don't own a single orange piece of clothing, but whenever I see someone who can really pull off orange (Lucy Liu comes to mind), it's always impressive to me.

  8. Oh it's lovely. I just entered the Oh Frannson giveaway, isn't this exciting? Thanks for entering my giveaway.

    Recently I am going crazy for yellow, influenced heavily by the announcement by Pantone that the color of the year is mimosa yellow.

    I'd love to win, thanks!

  9. I love pink. Whenever I see something pink it makes me so happy, no matter how sad I am. It makes me feel like I'm 8 again. It's a fun color. A girly color. I'm not too great at being "girly", but I sure do love pink!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. Green is mine too and For the same reasons. My daughter is my witness I told her this a few weeks ago when I admired the green grass and trees!!

  11. I like orange, because its a color I never consider, until I am reminded of how cute it is. Then its like I rediscovered it again each time.

  12. I'm glad you're not making us "choose" one... Right now, I'm in love with orange in all of its shades. It's so warm and cozy, but also playful and happy.

    The wristlet looks great... thanks for the chance!


  13. My favorite color is blue - makes me feel cool - like the ocean! The wristlet is wonderful - hope I win!!

  14. A color I really like is bright, sunny yellow. It is cheerful and warm and is a great anti-depressant :)

  15. Lately orange has been calling my name. I think it is because the only tulips that bloomed out of the bajillion bulbs that I planted were the orange ones.

  16. I love color! Right now, I'm partial to yellow. Happy, sunny, warm, cheerful. It reminds me of daisies and summertime!

  17. I love greens. I think that they remind me of my grandma who loved everything green. That is the one color I always choose.

  18. It's funny how my color preferences have changed so drastically through my 32 years. I remember being really, really into blues when I was in my late teens/early twenties--I was travelling the world and doing all kinds of exciting things and was drawn to the calmness of blue. Now that I'm old(er) and so tame by comparison I surround myself with oranges and yellows and reds, firey colors to add some excitement to me life!

  19. I love orange.. the way it can be serious or fun depending on which colour is next to it !


  20. Hi, this is so creative, thanks. I love the little pouch, I've got quite a thing for linen and patchwork just now. It sets off the colours so well. Colour, now there is a topic. I'm known for liking green, bright, acidy, leaf green. Green is in the middle of the spectrum, it takes the least amount of adjustments for the eye to register, so dark green is the most restful colour there is. It goes with everything. No? Ask a flower. I'm just back from a trip to the big fabric shop in town (rare event nowadays) and the colours were all so wonderful. Just as well one can't buy all one sees ;)


  21. I really like brown. It can be such a boring color, but pair it up with a pink or a blue and it's suddenly beautiful.

  22. I love aqua because it reminds me of the water in tropical destinations.

  23. I love lavender - reminds me of the iris that are now blooming in my flower garden.

  24. Favorite color is light blue. The color of the sky on hot summer days.

  25. I love crimson red. It's so hard to find a perfect, clear red in fabric and it's almost magical when you do.
    Those tiny squares are amazing. I have no patience for foundation piecing.

  26. I love deep blue, because it reminds me of the summer sky. I have always loved looking at the sky when it has fluffy white clouds scattered against the beautiful blue. And I love all the colors in this great prize! ;)
    When I was younger, and people asked me about my fav color, I would tell my fav color was clear, because I could see all the colors through it. lol


  27. Sunny funny yellow. Reminds me of the beach, lemonade, sunflowers, giggles..I could go on forever :) It's just a fun color.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  28. periwinkle. beautiful color and fun name. i think it stems from my grandmother's love of all things purple.

  29. I'm in love with orange right now. It just makes me happy.

  30. The pouch is gorgeous!!
    I like brown, I think it´s peaceful and sober.
    And it goes just perfect with most colours ^__^ I like specially brown+aqua

  31. yellow just makes me feel good and alive.

  32. I love red. It makes a statement.


  33. I like chartreuse. It sounds cool and is pretty :)

  34. i love orange..

    the colors of fall, the trees, pumpkins, halloween...all of it gives me that wonderful feeling inside...

    thnaks for asking...awesome giveaway!

  35. I love red! My kitchen is red, living room is a deep red, small bathroom is another shade of red. Makes me happy and cheery!
    Love your giveway!

  36. A colour I really love is pink. I have a pink mobile phone and a pink-covered ipod, and wear something in this colour most days - tragic, I know LOL. It is a soft, soothing colour for me.

  37. I love the wristlet its very pretty!!!

    colour I love...will be plum purple..why..hmmm i am not sure maybe because it is so pleasing to my eyes...its very intense and exciting..and so deep.
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  38. Turquoise makes me happy.

  39. i am looooving purple because it is vibrant and for some reason makes me feel great at the moment !!

  40. Hello I just wanted to stop by and say happy birthday to you. My name is Terri to LOL
    I to am participating in the Giveaway day and saw that it was your birthday.
    have a great day today

  41. I can say that my favorite color is green - has been for years. but the shade of green changes through time... right now I'm in love with a bright spring green - nice and yellowy - full of new life, hope, and energy!

  42. I love blues and greens. They remind me of the ocean that I haven't seen in 7 years.

  43. I love YELLOW!! It is bright, cheery, and reminds me of SUNSHINE.

  44. My favorite color is green but I also adore orange. Orange reminds me of Autumn and bonfires and that smell of burning wood on chilly nights.

  45. I love greens too! Every shade, every value...they are so calming and play nice together. My children complain that our entire house is decorated in green...they are sick of it, but it soothes me when nothing else can....a drop of cream and a touch of aqua and I'm escaped to the beach...hear the surf....

  46. I love pink for all of my little girls.

  47. I currently love orange! I have a flowering hanging plant that is the most lovely shade of reddish-orange. The flowers occasionally surprise me with a streak of hot pink or purple, but orange is predominant. They are gorgeous, and for the life of me, I don't remember the name of the plant. It just makes me happy to see! THanks for a great giveaway.

  48. Pink. Pink pink pink.
    this is the cutest thing i have ever seen!!!

  49. I really like orange. It can look so pleasant.
    I like to pair it with grey for a kick.

  50. I really love blue. Particularly a slate or stormy cloudy day blue. It is very calming and peaceful. Amusingly enough, I don't really use this color in my sewing as bright and cheerful colors seem to take the day, but as for love, it would be stormy cloud blue.

  51. teal - it's such a rich color, and you can pair it with almost any other color!!!!

  52. I love all shades of purple. I know Spring is right around the corner when I see the first purple crocus pushing through the cold, hard earth. Purple smells like hyacinths, lilacs, my grandmother, and childhood.

  53. I love pink. I look good in it, and it makes me happy. I am sure this has tainted by daughter but it is a great color.

  54. I love all colours.
    I love blue.
    It's the colour of the sky, of the sea, and most of all the colours of my children's eyes !

  55. I'm a blue fan--navy, true sky, peacock...and any shade of blue you can find in nature.
    I live about an hour south of Ft Collins! I'm glad to know there are other CO people in the blogosphere.


  56. I have really gotten into pink. I think because I have a girl now.

  57. i've always loved green, although I always like cornflower blue the best in the crayon box :)

  58. My favorite color (right now ^ ^) is green-yellow. It reminds me of apples new, new leaves and it makes me want to do stuff. Which is why I'm painting my sewing room that color. I love the batiks! Great colors! Thanks so much for the giveaway.

  59. I also love green - in the house, in my closet - but mostly out my window. I also love blue - lakes, oceans, sky.

  60. i love dark purple because its such a rich color full of depth.

  61. I like deep, dark red. It makes me feel warm inside.

  62. I love pink... blushing pink... the pink in a newborn's cheeks... the pink in the center of an unfurling rose... the pink in the sky as the sun sets. I find as I grow older, wearing soft pink tints my cheeks and makes my eyes twinkle. Not bad! BTW... the wristlet is adorable! Thanks for the chance to win.

  63. I love peach. i think it is just calming to me.

  64. lovely! i love turquoise. it makes me feel calm, but bright and positive. it makes me think of the ocean, the sky, and navajo jewelry. :)

  65. I love black. There is something about looking at it that calms me down and lets my mind rest. Its like closing your eyes and ignoring the world!

  66. What a beautiful piece - I love the detail work!

    I love orange - I think it is such a vibrant and happy color. It almost always makes me smile (and think of oranges, of course!)

    Thanks so much
    suserat at yahoo dot com

  67. Blue.. the color of the ocean, color of the sky, color of my favorite jeans, color of my bedspread. Calm, soothing, comfortable color.

    What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance!
    You can enter for my giveaway at


  68. I love yellow because it is bright and warm.

  69. I love teal/turquoise. It reminds me of the ocean & is so calming. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway, it's gorgeous.


  70. I'm going with yellow at the moment - it sums up all things summery.

    Thanks for a great giveaway.

  71. Purple! I love that purple has so many differant shades (lilac, lavender, plum, royal, periwinkle (which can also be blue depending on who you ask) and so many more) yet they are all still purple, and so pretty! Blue is the same way for me but not as much. Red is my color of the moment though it seems, I find myself drawn to red objects as of late.

  72. I love yellow and orange, they are colors that make me feel happy.

    Thanks for the giveaway, if I am the lucky winner, you can contact me through my website www.radseams.com.

  73. I love blue, especially on a day when it rained earlier that day and the sky has started to clear, it is a fresh color and leaves you feeling fresh as well. The other thing I love about it is how the clouds (the big fluffy ones) look against that blue sky. If I am ever sad, and it's one of these days, I just look up and am filled with hope and happiness.

    Thanks for doing the giveaway!

    Cassie Driver

  74. Green. Because as a redhead, it's the color that looks best on me. :)

    Thanks for the chance to win!


  75. I love red - it's so passionate just like me ;-)

  76. I love yellow because it is so bright and cheerful!

    nhsarab at yahoo dot com

  77. That is gorgeous!

    I love the look of the sea just before a storm - all blues and grays and a strange hint of green. I just love the sea really. =)

  78. I love red, orange and pink - :)

    Please enter me in the draw, and don't forget to enter mine... :)

  79. I love yellow. I don't wear it, I don't decorate with it, but I love encountering a pop of yellow somewhere unexpected. It always feels warm and happy :)

  80. I love blue....reminds me of the eye color of my two daughters and the sky on beautiful, clear, sunny days ANY time of the year AND the color of some of the water in tropical areas of the world!

  81. green because it means growth and renewal..

  82. I love grey. Is that weird? I find it very calming.

  83. I love Yellow because it cheers me up. It can be used on a variety of things and still look lovely. Yellow gingham is the best! Thanks for the chance to win... its beautiful.

  84. I love green too. I'm not just copying you, I promise. I live in the Pacific Northwest and I love that it doesn't matter what time of year it is, there is always green. We are surrounded by pines and firs in the winter, and then lush green maples in the Spring, green grass in the summer, and even in the fall, with all the leaves dropping, we still have our lovely pines and firs. Who could ask for more?

  85. I love orange. It's just so fresh and bright and unique.

  86. I also love green. All shades of green. It represents life to me. It is a very relaxing color or can be a very lively color. There really isn't a bad shade of green.

  87. I love working with green, too. My favorite color is pink, but I really love sewing and piecing with greens in my work. It's a great transition color, too, I think.

  88. I'm a fan of all of the "natural" colors--green, brown, cream, etc.--but I find green the most lovely, especially the spring greens and limes. They make me feel more alive.

  89. I've always loves yellows and oranges. The brighter the better.

  90. I used to be red... but now I find that too bold and flashy. Now I am a big fan of greens - similar to you - the color of spring and nature and everything new.

  91. I love greens....mossy greens, fern greens, pond greens...the color of new life. Nature. Springy, lush greens. I love them!

  92. Blue the color of water and sky!

  93. Hmmm... Orange. The passion of red, the joy of yellow. High energy. I love it.

  94. Purples and reds have been my long time favourites. Perhaps because they match my colouring.

  95. Black- everything looks brighter when with it (and it's slimming!) :)

  96. I love greens, they are so fresh & crisp! Thanks for a chance to win, this is a beautiful work of art!


  97. I love green! It is such a bright, uplifting color. I feel good whenever I see it. I painted my walls in my bedroom a calming green color color and just love waking up to it's soothing shade! Anything green is beautiful to me though!

  98. lately I am into greens. I use to not like green much but now I love it. working on a green quilt and a green skirt.

  99. Red is my fave color!! It is the luckiest color!

  100. wow! those squares are AMAZING!!! what i love the most is that you didn't ask me my favorite color! i feel the same way. how could i have a favorite....i LOVE COLOR!! so many beautiful, vibrant colors all around us every day. i love the color outside after a long hard rain...all of them!

    thanks for the opportunity!

  101. First off, I have to say that those colors on the wristlet are wonderful! I LOVE color!

    I have lots of favorite colors but I'll have to pic green because my mother always told me that green was the most soothing color to the eyes and told me that staring at green could calm and improve your eyesight.

    I'm not sure about the improving eyesight part, but staring at the trees as I drive through the country does give that soothing calm feeling. :)

  102. I'm going to go with Big Apple RED. I love the kind of red that makes it hard for you to stay sad. Race car red or nail polish red are worthy substitutes, but I'm a born and bred New Yorker - so it is Big Apple RED for me. A little bit of this red will make a ho hum quilt sing.

  103. I love dusky rose colours. They remind me of nice smells :)

  104. i always blame my lack of having a favorite color because i'm so non-committal, ha!

    that said, i love the color yellow. it's so bright and cheery. i used to tell my parents that i wanted to paint my room yellow because i just knew it would allow me to wake up with a smile each and every day. i never got the yellow room, but yellow still brings a smile to my face.

  105. i love purple because of that poem "when i am old i shall wear purple". I also love aqua because i find it very soothing. Sorry i couldn't choose just one. :-)

  106. Red - Nothing screams louder than the coulour red!!

    we're having a give away too! YAY

    xo Steph

  107. A colour I love is denim blue, because it's comforting and it goes with just about any other colour.

  108. I love shades of blue... probably because whenever I wear them people say how blue my eyes look!

  109. I'm going to agree with you and say green--here in the Appalachians, green is everywhere you look thanks to lots of rain this spring. It is so fresh and full of life!

  110. Green because it is the only color word my daughter can say and so she calls everything "the green one":)

  111. I love purple. Something about it is soft and pretty which I love. It's just romantic to me.

  112. I love orange...it makes me smile. It reminds me of orange juice, hot summer days and sunsets.

  113. Right now, I am all about YELLOW. It's sunshine, it's love, it's happiness, it's warmth.

    All the good things in life, right?

  114. Your quilting is fantastic. Oh, choosing a color... I am in a periwinkle mood. I need something calming and nearly purple right now, as it's bedtime. :)

  115. Love the bag. My color would have to be gray - I find it very soothing.

  116. The bag is so beautiful. When not using it, I would hang it on the wall as a piece of art.

    Color--green. Perhaps because I live in Greenbelt, MD and I am trying to be more green in my living. And because I just love olive green for clothing (and love olives). I guess those are good reasons for green.

  117. Dark purple.

    To me it is such a romantic color. I imagine the curtains covering floor to ceiling windows in a fairy tale to be a shade of eggplant, the sheets that envelopes the couple to be dark satin plum and as he leaves her for the day, a purple tulip by her bedside.

    Because she is his princess.

  118. I love green too! and I love your bag! Thanks for sharing :)

  119. Purple is my favorite, but I'm on a turquoise kick right now. It is just a rich feeling color (especially paired with my beloved purple). Thank you for entering me in the drawing for your great little wristlet.

  120. I love purple-light purple. More of a lilac I guess. It makes me feel joy. Maybe the memory of lilac bushes. Really, I think it is leftover memories and feelings from childhood. Don't most little girls love purple and pink? So when I think of purple I think of unicorns and the realm of imagination...

  121. ♥ i love yellow...makes me hungry mmm!

    have a looksee at my giveaway too:

  122. I love blue because it's calming...and reminds me of water. I love to swim!

  123. Autumn has here for me in Melbourne - so I love the gold leaves that my front tree turns - It's a Golden Ash - and it is beautiful against the blue sky!

  124. I love the color buttercup yellow. It's such a cheerful color that it always makes me smile.


  125. I love yellow. It is so bright and cheerful and just reminds me of summer.

    Thank you for the chance to join in.

  126. I love the colour teal - a really rich more blue than green teal because it reminds om of the ocean and the smell of salt and the sounds of the water spraying up when i go fishing and out on the boat ... mm i can smell it now!

    Happy Giveaway day!!

  127. I love lilac - the colour always reminds me of the lilac bush and its amazing frothy flowers and mind blowingly delicious scent! Thank you for the chance to win such an amazingly made giveaway!

  128. My fave color is green also I love how in spring everything comes alive and how my garden starts to look.. rolling hills just covered in grass and the trees how they finally are full of leaves :)
    thanks for the chance

  129. Blue is my favorite- the color of the summer sky in Kansas, where I grew up.
    Your wristlet is so cool!

  130. Oh it is beautiful Terry! My favourite colour is pink, cause now I have two girls, pink to me is just sweetness and innocence and they look so cute in pink!

  131. Gorgeous wristlet :) I love the colour red, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy, like I'm curled up under a blanket (red of course!)

  132. I absolutely adore your wristlet~ I also love the color green. I think it all started with my affinity for frogs when I was younger and it just reminds me of freshness and a clean feeling. Its great!

  133. I love sky blue ... and I also adore this cute funky gr8 wristlet , I will die for it.. hope to win, cuz it makes me feel like so FRESH and funky !!

  134. I love pink, I dont know why, It's the only colour I see !

  135. I love a deep orange...it always put a warm glow in the air.

  136. I love yellow. Bright sun-shiny yellow. I don't think it is possible to be sad when looking at the color yellow. :)

    Great Giveaway!

  137. I love yellow. It's warm, bright, and happy. When I wear it, I just feel better... lifts my mood instantly :)

  138. I love orange. It's bright, its sassy but it could be soft and sweet too (like sherbet). I don't own anything orange, but I love it anyway. Your wristlet is just so cool! Thanks for the give-away.
    Susan G

  139. I love orange, it takes me to my favorite season, Autumn...your wristlet is gorgeous, great work!

  140. What a fabulou writlet!!! I love it!
    My favorite color is blue because it is really relaxing.

  141. brown. it reminds me of rich chocolate!

  142. My favorite color is RED!!! I love all things red. I think it's because I look good in red. I love all red flowers, berries. I have red in almost everything I make. I just love it.

  143. I love a dark autumn orange. I love autumn and this color makes me think of that brisk cool whether, the trees changing to their beautiful colors, and harvest time! Thanks for not having us pick our favorite color. You are right that is too hard and mine changes.

  144. I love your thoughts about choosing a favorite color -- I feel the same way!

    Chocolate brown always makes me feel happy. Some of the best things can appear in brown...chocolate (of course), dirt, horses, fabric...!!!

  145. I like green because it is fresh and reminds me of the new buds and growth that come up each spring.


  146. Wow, I am amazed by your miniature piecing! I love teal, it reminds me of the ocean, the sky, flowers, kool-aid, otter pops, and all sorts of fun and summery things!

  147. I love purple, quiet and brite. In fact, I most of the plants i've picked for my yard have purple flowers, which reminds me, I need a lilac bush, in purple!

    Sorry to be so wordy ;o)
    That is such a fabulous wrist-pouch. I can't imagine sewing all the little squares!

  148. it's a really nice wristlet.

    and i love spring green - that bright green with a tinge of yellow speaking of its freshness - but especially in the weird half-light immediately preceding a storm, when that green takes on an extra dimension and depth altogether!!

  149. What a great giveaway! The wristlet is beautiful.
    I love the color aqua. It's soft and pretty and being a redhead, is actually a flattering color for me! It makes me feel peaceful and happy, all at the same time.

  150. Nice giveaway! I like green because it just feels comforting to me.


  151. I love blue. B/c it reminds me of a clear day. Plus it is one of the colors that look good on me too. :)

  152. Green is also my favorite color! There is such a stark difference between a really light, pale green and a striking bright, vibrant green. Green is so adaptable, so relatable, so truly the color of nature and life. I love it!

  153. Turquoise is a happy color. It is calm and makes me feel good. It is liquid...flowing...and genuine.

  154. I love the color purple, because it can be vibrant and bright or muted and soft and still be beautiful.


  155. I love the color Red...It makes me feel warm and cozy...I love the vibrancy of it. I prefer a rich red to an orange-y red. Love your blog and the wristlet!

  156. I love blue, because it reminds me of the water near where i grew up.

  157. A nice soothing aqua--reminiscent of lazy beach days, breezy palm trees & salty smells. Your wristlet is so pretty, thanks for such a great giveaway.

  158. I like tropical colors, fuscha, teal, cornflower blue. They remind me of warm sunny beaches and clear blue green water with large hibiscus flowers growing up by the palm trees.

  159. I love a rich plum. It's regal and warm and inviting and reminds me of semidark chocolate (the taste, not the color!).

  160. I love red and all its shades. There is warmth and depth and life and love. There is the memory of fruits and flowers. There are smiles and toys and little girl dresses all in red.
    Thank you for this lovely giveaway, something that I would truly enjoy using.

  161. Wow - what a great giveaway - thanks! Purple is my favorite color - I loved the iris my Mom grew when I was little and I had a canopy bed with a lavender bedspread and canopy covered with white daisies...

  162. I love firey red/orange - it reminds me of the stain glass window we had in our living room growing up - no matter the time of day - it was always beautiful!



  163. One of my favorite colors is red. So hot and exciting!

  164. I love green. It can be such a soothing color -- and on the other hand it can be something wild and breathtaking.

  165. I love this post. I get sweaty palms when asked for a favorite color - a typical response of mine is "it'd be easier to just ask for my least favorite."

    I'm a big fan of coral (the pinky shade). Something about it both relaxes and invigorates me. It's pretty!

  166. That's an awesome wristlet. Love the colors in that too. Very good job. I also follow Oh Fransson's blog since I'm just learning to quilt so I knew right away who's pattern you were speaking of.

    Name a color, not necessarily my favorite. Those two things are very close. I think I'd have to choose lilac for the color because it reminds me of my approx. 75 feet across the front of my property and all my lilac bushes which make my entire yard (and house if windows are open) smell SOOOOOOOO wonderful in the Spring. That just screams Winter is over for me.

  167. Well I know what you mean about choosing only one favourite - I always say purple is my favourite, but then I always gravitate towards aqua, pale blue, teal, turquoise, all the greeny bluey colours - water, water water.
    That wristlet is gorgeous!

  168. I'm a green lover too. It's the spring walk you take as leaves and flowers are starting to grow, that bright green shines against the beautiful blue sky. Oh how I love spring! To me it's the colour of life and energy.

  169. orange... it just makes me happy:)

    lovely wristlet!


  170. I love orange!!! Although it's not my favourite but I love it because it's bold, vibrant, has a sparkle that brightens anyone or anything that touches! For me it equals life, good times, happiness and joy!
    Thank you for the giveaway and the chance to win!
    I love your wristlet!

  171. Ha, reading the last few comments they picked orange which is the first color that came to my mind when I read the post. It is not my favorite color but I LOVE the fall, the smells the tastes, the gentle winding down of the year and orange just screams fall to me.

  172. I like yellow because it makes me think of the sun which makes me think of spring and summer my favorite times of the year.

  173. I love purple because it comes in so many shades, and they all hint at something different :D

  174. Believe it or not, i don't have a favorite color -- i love them all.


  175. I love the precise shade of blue the sky turns just before or after a big thunderstorm--there's just some electric, perfectly clear quality to it. Makes everything else look so much richer, and everything looks so clean and fresh!

  176. There's a specific shade of blue that I love. I saw it when I used to go to Phillies games at Veterans' Stadium- It was after the sun went down but there was still some light in the sky- mixed with the stadium lights it was this glowy warm blue, so pretty. That stadium is gone now.

  177. I love the color of turquoise! It's just so serene and ancient. =) I love every piece of jewelry I have that somehow features turquoise... ;-)

  178. i love green
    for some of the same reasons you do!
    i also have a collection of green glassware
    old, new
    found, received
    family pieces, rummage sale items.
    and i have the coolest pair
    of green sunglasses
    that my husband gave me for mother's day

    i love the little zippered wristlet!

    visit me at

  179. I don't have a favourite to be precise, because all the colours combine together to make this world beautiful and they are all equal to me. But for this contest, OK, I'll say pink because it's nice.


  180. I love red...the new neutral! It looks so good in gingham, in my kitchen, and makes me happy!

  181. Lavendar - it reminds me of when I was a little girl and there was a lilac tree growing right outside my bedroom window - I can close my eyes and smell it to this day!

  182. I've been loving orange lately...and thanks for not asking my favorite. I feel much the same as you do on that subject!

    My son's room is painted a beautiful orange/pumpkin (his choice) and it is on the west side of the house so when the sun sets, that room simply glows warmth. It is very inviting.

    Beautiful sewing work. I used to live in Fort Collins and go back frequently as my dd21 still lives there! Glad you've gotten so many great responses.

  183. I'm a big fan of red. Whenever I see it I feel warm and whenever I wear it I feel pretty. Thats all a gal can ask for right?

  184. I looove all the colors in the wristlet! Beautiful! I am greatly drawn to blue...I find such an intensity in it...the ocean, the sky, my baby's blue eyes...all different shades of blue but so rich and energized. Thanks for the chance!

  185. Good morning... nice to meet you. Just recently I was trying to imagine myself making a tiny quilt. Tell me there are secrets and tips, otherwise I will think you use magic! I have a stack of quilts I have made over the years... recurring color: Green. Nature does it best and seeing green refreshes my spirit.

  186. Right now I am loving all of the pink colored crab tree blossoms that are abundent in Northern Wisconsin where I live. They really shout "spring is here" to me.

  187. Right now I am loving Crayola Cerulean Blue. And that teensy little pouch of patchwork is perfect!

  188. i love blue greens, so cool and soothing

  189. i love kelly green... maybe because it reminds me of nature, maybe because it looks great on me, maybe because i feel that it's in the middle of the very boyish, and very girlish colors...

  190. Actually I'm a green gal too. Call it...somewhere between lime green and kelly green. I really am not sure why I love it. I've always just been drawn to it. I have green eyes (trivia: most rare eye color in the world) maybe that led to it.
    For me, green is a very energetic and fun color and I feel it just matches my personality!

  191. i'm loving the green tree/blue sky combo right now. i'm sure that the rain will return soon so i'm soaking up as much blue sky as possible. thanks for the giveaway!

  192. Well I just love yellow, it is bright & cheery. Makes me smile when I see it!

  193. I would have to go with lavendar, to me it is a soothing relaxing color, that makes me feel peaceful.

    I am really hoping to win this. It is so pretty! I would love to be it's proud new owner.

  194. What a lovely pouch, you do wonderful work! I love the color violt--every spring I wake up one morning and the violets are blooming suddenly, and I wait an extra few days to mow the lawn because I hate to cut them all down. That lovely violet color always sparks out at me.
    Thanks very much for the chance at your giveaway.

  195. I love grey. Many people seem to find it a depressing colour, but I find it calming and light.


  196. Ooh... well, I know you have trouble with favourite, but purple really is mine. So it may surprise you that I'm going to go with deep, burnt red! Why? Well, here in Melbourne, Autumn is just leaving us, and beautiful burnt red, orange and yellow maple leaves line the streets. Just seeing those colours makes me thing of the crisp Autumn air, of being snuggled up in a handmade scarf, of drinking thick hot chocolate and of sitting in front of fireplaces. Yum, yum, yum!

    Thanks for the chance at this giveaway. It's just lovely!!


  197. I love yellow, it was my mom's favorite color so it always reminds me of her and yellow represents Spring to me and I love spring.

  198. I love aqua, it's so clean and tranquil and breezy.
