Back in 1998, when my own true love’s back was good enough for him to be a runner, he ran the Ascent, a half-marathon running up Pike’s Peak. It was a wonderful achievement for him. (My achievement was driving to the upper parking lot despite my fear of drop-offs. I think my heart may have been working harder than his!) Of course , while we were down in Colorado Springs we dropped by a quilt shop. I picked up this quilt kit while we were there, one that we have for years referred to as The Ascent Quilt. (As in my poor beleaguered beloved asking, “Are you ever going to finish The Ascent Quilt?”)
And now, a nice even dozen years later, I have finished it. I can’t say that I enjoyed the sewing of the last two days, but it has been very satisfying. Binding on and pillows made.
Surely it’s a good omen that as we move into the New Year, we’ll be sleeping under a new (old) quilt.
Not only that, I see a whole sequence lining up like dominoes. Consider how the bright colors on the quilt really emphasize that it’s time to repaint the bedroom. And now the curtains no longer match either. Once I’ve got the walls done and new curtains up, I’m sure I’ll be looking at the dingy carpet. And you can’t just replace carpet in one room, so there’s the entire upstairs getting redone. And if the carpet is done, then that just highlights how I need new flooring in the kitchen, which will certainly point a neon sign at those kitchen cabinets that are in sore need of a complete redo. So . . . I’d like to see this as all very auspicious.
Though, less tongue in cheek, what I really want for the New Year is simply what I always wish for, a healthy, happy family. (Don’t we all?) It’s been over three years that Jeff has been coming back squeaky clean on his cancer checks. What I really want a year from now is to be saying that it’s over four years.
But, back to the quilt for a moment, because there is nothing like a great gadget, this gift from a quiltie buddie really helped make that binding job easier. Have you ever seen one of these?
You wrap the binding around the center and then wear it around your neck. The binding is always right there as you sew and just rolls right off. This was a big quilt so I had a lot of binding.
Well, I had a fair amount left over, too. It’s been a long, long time since I finished a big project like this. I was paranoid I’d run short. I so didn’t.
Finally, because I can’t resist, a couple quotes from two of my favorite writers, one the eternal optimist, the other not:
Benjamin Franklin: “Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man.”
Mark Twain: “New Year's Day: Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual.”
Optimist or pessimist, may you all have a great start on your new year!