I did sew up some blocks for quilt buddy swaps (just to say it isn’t all pen stuff here) and then forgot to take pictures of them. Other than those two blocks though, it’s still all fountain pen play here.
This time I decided that what I wanted was a two pen sleeve that would be really fast to open and that I could slip into a purse or book bag. It took several tries on ones that just didn’t quite fit what I wanted before I finally got it right. Now, this version I’m really happy with.
Sleeve open:
Sleeve closed:
From the back, snapped shut:
And because summer break ain’t over yet:
You know, I just can’t justify buying every cool pen I see. (And I see a lot of them). But I figure any dollars that come from selling pen wraps is totally fair game – which is why these are in my Etsy shop . . .
And why a new (old) Parker 51 has come to live with me. Love.